I woke up this morning at 5:40 am and instantly second guessed going to my men’s group. I had to be there by 6:00 am so this was a bit of a time crunch. I honestly don’t like rushing in the morning but I made a commitment and reminded myself of the impact it has had. We started the meeting off with breakfast and an open discussion. I talked about future opportunities with mental health members in the community, the opportunities of spirituality that have opened up through work, and then they always ask if I am dating anyone yet lol. After "guy talk,” we created a focus on goals for 2020 which all root back to a spiritual basis and guidance. I had just recently did a vision board that I have told people about, so a lot of my goals I discussed have already been put into action but I did recognize some areas I could add to seek further in my spirituality.
Spirituality, in the 8 dimensions of wellness, is viewed in relation to your values and beliefs that help you find meaning and purpose in your life. Signs of spirituality show clear values, self-confidence, and a feeling of inner peace. So with that being said I need to strive in this aspect to maintain a purpose in life and to continue to reap the benefits of the signs that I stated. Meditation and Prayer also are listed as activities of spirituality in the 8 dimensions of wellness. I found that the most powerful part of my men’s groups are the prayers that we see answered beyond understanding, as well as the direction that specific prayers give us. Lately, I have been boldly praying for financial opportunity to create stability, relief of back pain from my fractured spine, my sisters pregnancy complications, sobriety for specific people… This list has some more things but I have witnessed confirmation of some of these prayers instantly. That is what sustains my faith while I still remain in awe at the promises that are being revealed in my life.
As I was leaving the men's group, they offered me the rest of the Bojangles biscuits that we had for breakfast. I hesitated but quickly thought of the men at the recovery center and that is an example of selfishness that has slipped away, which I prayed for early on and has now become natural. Those biscuits were a bright spot of the morning for those men that were up, but those same biscuits also lead me to do some step work with a young man which turned into an improv support group with a few men. This set a tone for my day and I was told it did the same for theirs.
I guess what I am getting at is that seeking spirituality also presents opportunity. Opportunity that fulfills meaning in your life and gives us purpose. It opens the door to a realm that I was once blocked from when I closed minded. However, just for today, I will remain Honest, Open-minded, and Willing in all aspects of my life to continue to progress further.
What are you doing to progress today?